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Scientific Publications & Articles
Evaluation of Proclarix in the diagnostic work-up of prostate cancer
Basil Kaufmann, Sharon Fischer, Alcibiade Athanasiou, Noémie Lautenbach, Anja Wittig, Uwe Bieri, Florian A. Schmid, Franz Stauffenberg, Thomas Scherer, Daniel Eberli, Michael A. Gorin, Ralph Schiess, Cédric Poyet. Evaluation of Proclarix in the diagnostic work‐up of prostate cancer. BJUI Compass (2023) doi:10.1002/bco2.293.
Relationship between Proclarix and the Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer
Miriam Campistol, Marina Triquell, Lucas Regis, Ana Celma, Inés de Torres, María E Semidey, Richard Mast , Olga Mendez, Jacques Planas, Enrique Trilla, Juan Morote. Mol Diagn Ther (2023) Apr 20. doi: 10.1007/s40291-023-00649-y.
Accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer by combining Proclarix with magnetic resonance imaging
Juan Morote, Hayley Pye, Miriam Campistol, Anna Celma, Lucas Regis, Maria Semidey, Ines de Torres, Richard Mast, Jacques Planas, Anna Santamaria, Enrique Trilla, Alcibiade Athanasiou, Saurabh Singh, Susan Heavey, Urszula Stopka-Farooqui, Alex Freeman, Aiman Haider, Ralph Schiess, Hayley C. Whitaker, Shonit Punwani, Hashim U. Ahmed, Mark Emberton. BJU International (2023) Mar 1. Online ahead of print.
New strategy for the identification of prostate cancer: The combination of Proclarix and the prostate health index
Terracciano D, La Civita E, Athanasiou A, Liotti A, Fiorenza M, Cennamo M, Crocetto F, Tennstedt P, Schiess R, Haese A, Ferro M, Steuber T. Prostate. (2022) Aug 16. Online ahead of print.
Comparison of Proclarix, PSA Density and MRI-ERSPC Risk Calculator to Select Patients for Prostate Biopsy after mpMRI
Campistol M, Morote J, Triquell M, Regis L, Celma A, Torres I, Semidey ME, Mast R, Santamaría A, Planas J, Trilla E. Cancers 14, 2702 (2022).
Who with suspected prostate cancer can benefit from Proclarix after multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging?
Morote J, Campistol M, Regis L, Celma A, Torres I, Semidey ME, Roche S, Mast R, Santamaría A, Planas J, Trilla E. Int J Biol Markers 2022 Feb 24; doi: 10.1177/03936155221081537.
Improving the Early Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in Men in the Challenging Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System 3 Category
Morote J, Campistol M, Triquell M, Celma A, Regis L, Torres I, Semidey ME, Mast R, Santamaría A, Planas J, Trilla E. European Urology Open Sci 2022;37:38–44. doi: 10.1016/j.euros.2021.12.009.
The Efficacy of Proclarix to Select Appropriate Candidates for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Derived Prostate Biopsies in Men with Suspected Prostate Cancer
Morote J, Campistol M, Celma A, Regis L, de Torres I, Semidey ME, Roche S, Mast R, Santamaría A, Planas J, Trilla E. World J Mens Health. 2021 Dec 27. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.210117.
A novel serum biomarker quintet reveals added prognostic value when combined with standard clinical parameters in prostate cancer patients by predicting biochemical recurrence and adverse pathology
Athanasiou A, Tennstedt P, Wittig A, Huber R, Straub O, Schiess R, Steuber T. PLoS One. 2021 Nov 12;16(11):e0259093.
PROPOSe: A Real-life Prospective Study of Proclarix, a Novel Blood-based Test to Support Challenging Biopsy Decision-making in Prostate Cancer
Steuber T, Heidegger I, Kafka M, Roeder MA, Chun F, Preisser F, Palisaar RJ, Hanske J, Budaeus L, Schiess R, Keller T, Semjonow A, Hammerer P, Manka L, Ecke T, Schwentner C, Ohlmann C. European Urology Oncology. 2021.
Development and validation of a novel multivariate risk score to guide biopsy decision for the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer.
Klocker H, Golding B, Weber S, Steiner E, Tennstedt P, Keller T, Schiess R, Gillessen S, Horninger W, Steuber T. BJUI Compass. 2020;1:15–20.
Neuer diagnostischer Prozess des Prostatakarzinoms
Engeler D, Korte W, Schiess R. Pipette - Swiss Laboratory Medicine 2020;3:24-26.
Analytical performance of thrombospondin-1 and cathepsin D immunoassays part of a novel CE-IVD marked test as an aid in the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Macagno, A., Athanasiou, A., Wittig, A., Huber, R., Weber, S., Keller, T., Rhiel, M., Golding, B., Schiess, R. PloS one 15(5), 2020.
Evaluation of Proclarix, a prostate cancer risk score, used together with magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of clinically significant prostate cancer.
Pye H, Ahmed H, Heavey S, Stopka-Farooqui U, Johnston E, Schiess R, Gillessen S, Punwani S, Emberton M, Whitaker H. J Clin Oncol 38, 2020 (suppl 6; abstr 1).
Thrombospondin 1 and cathepsin D improve prostate cancer diagnosis by avoiding potentially unnecessary prostate biopsies.
Steuber T, Tennstedt P, Macagno A, Athanasiou A, Wittig A, Huber R, Golding B, Schiess R, Gillessen S. BJU Int. 2018 Sep 14. doi: 10.1111/bju.14540. PMID: 30216634.
Development and clinical testing of individual immunoassays for the quantification of serum glycoproteins to diagnose prostate cancer.
Endt K, Goepfert J, Omlin A, Athanasiou A, Tennstedt P, Guenther A, Rainisio M, Engeler DS, Steuber T, Gillessen S, Joos T, Schiess R. PLoS One. 2017 Aug 2;12(8):e0181557. PMID: 28767721.
A combination of new protein biomarkers reduces unneeded prostate biopsies and improves the detection of prostate cancer: findings of a recent study
Tennstedt P, Steuber T, Macagno A, Golding B, Schiess R, Gillessen S. 112th AUA Annual Meeting, 12-16 May 2017, Boston, United States.
A combination of new protein biomarkers reduces unneeded prostate biopsies and improves the detection of prostate cancer: findings of a recent study
Steuber T, Tennstedt P, Macagno A, Golding B, Schiess R, Gillessen S. 32nd Annual EAU Congress, 24-28 March 2017, London, United Kingdom.
Metformin in Chemotherapy-naive Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Phase 2 Trial (SAKK 08/09)
Rothermundt C, Hayoz S, Templeton AJ, Winterhalder R, Strebel RT, Bärtschi D, Pollak M, Lui L, Endt K, Schiess R, Rüschoff JH, Cathomas R, Gillessen S. Eur Urol. 2014 Jan 4. PMID: 24412228.
Phase 2 Trial of Single-agent Everolimus in Chemotherapy-naive Patients with Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (SAKK 08/08)
Templeton AJ, Dutoit V, Cathomas R, Rothermundt C, Bärtschi D, Dröge C, Gautschi O, Borner M, Fechter E, Stenner F, Winterhalder R, Müller B, Schiess R, Wild PJ, Rüschoff JH, Thalmann G, Dietrich PY, Aebersold R, Klingbiel D, Gillessen S; on behalf of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). Eur Urol. 2013 Jul;64(1):150-8. Epub 2013 Apr 6. PMID: 23582881.
Hüttenhain R, Surinova S, Ossola R, Sun Z, Campbell D, Cerciello F, Schiess R, Bausch-Fluck D, Rosenberger G, Chen J, Rinner O, Kusebauch U, Hajdúch M, Moritz RL, Wollscheid B, Aebersold R. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013 Apr;12(4):1005-16. Epub 2013 Feb 13. PMID: 23408683.
Efficacy of Cetuximab in Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Might Depend on EGFR and PTEN Expression: Results from a Phase II Trial (SAKK 08/07)
Cathomas R, Rothermundt C, Klingbiel D, Bubendorf L, Jaggi R, Betticher DC, Brauchli P, Cotting D, Droege C, Winterhalder R, Siciliano D, Berthold DR, Pless M, Schiess R, von Moos R, Gillessen S; for the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK). Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Nov 1;18(21):6049-57. Epub 2012 Sep 12. PMID: 22977195.
Novel Prognostic Markers in the Serum of Patients With Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Derived From Quantitative Analysis of the Pten Conditional Knockout Mouse Proteome.
Kälin M, Cima I, Schiess R, Fankhauser N, Powles T, Wild P, Templeton A, Cerny T, Aebersold R, Krek W, Gillessen S. Eur Urol. 2011 Dec;60(6):1235-43. Epub 2011 Jun 29. PMID: 21741162.
On the Development of Plasma Protein Biomarkers.
Surinova S, Schiess R, Hüttenhain R, Cerciello F, Wollscheid B, Aebersold R. J Proteome Res. 2011 Jan 7;10(1):5-16. Epub 2010 Dec 13. PMID: 21142170.
Biomarker Validation in Blood Specimens by Selected Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry of N-Glycosites.
Ossola R, Schiess R, Picotti P, Rinner O, Reiter L, Aebersold R. Methods Mol Biol. 2011;728:179-194. PMID: 21468948
Targeted Proteomic Strategy for Clinical Biomarker Discovery.
Schiess R, Wollscheid B, Aebersold R. Mol Oncol. 2009 Feb;3(1):33-44. Epub 2008 Dec 11. Review. PMID: 19383365.
Cancer genetics-driven discovery of serum biomarker signatures for diagnosis and prognosis of human prostate cancer.
Cima I, Schiess R, Wild P, Kaelin M, Schüffler P, Lange V, Picotti P, Ossola R, Templeton A, Schubert O, Fuchs T, Leippold T, Wyler S, Jochum W, Buhmann J, Cerny T, Moch H, Gillessen S, Aebersold R, Krek W. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Feb 7. PMID: 21300890.
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